Ana Aguado Cornago takes over as Secretary General of EDSO

Ana Aguado Cornago takes over as Secretary General of EDSO

Ana Aguado CornagoSeptember 2nd 2014, Brussels – Ana Aguado Cornago will take over as Secretary General of the European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) this autumn.

Ana Aguado Cornago is, today, CEO of Friends of the Supergrid (FOSG), a group of companies with a mutual interest in promoting the policy agenda for a European supergrid.

Prior to joining FOSG, Ms. Aguado held various high-level positions within the energy sector, including Head of the Brussels Office at the European University Institute, Secretary General at ETSO (European Association of Transmission System Operators), Head of Unit for regulation at EURELECTRIC (umbrella association for the European electricity industry), and within the European Commission’s DG ENER.

Ms. Aguado holds degrees in Law from the University of Valencia, Spain, MAs in Business law from the University of London and Private International Law from The Hague University.

“I am very honoured to be leading the voice of distribution system operators at this pivotal time for the energy sector in Europe, and proud to represent a sector with so much to contribute towards achieving so many of the EU’s priority objectives: security of energy supply, an integrated and functional energy market and of course, the EU’s energy and climate objectives” stated Ms. Aguado ahead of starting her new role.

The change in governance follows the decision of EDSO’s founding Secretary General, Per-Olof Granström, to pursue other interests. The Chairman of the EDSO Board of Directors, João Torres, in a statement this week said:

I am very pleased to welcome Ms. Aguado as the new Secretary General of EDSO, who we believe is the best replacement for Per-Olof Granström, who has served the interests of European DSOs with the utmost commitment, building the association from its early days into the strong voice it is today. Ana brings with her invaluable experience and qualities, and we are confident in her ability and dedication to continue steering the development of smart grids, whist at the same time promoting the reliability, optimal management and technical development of the electricity distribution grids”.

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