INCREASE Hands on Manual for DSOs published

INCREASE Hands on Manual for DSOs published

As result of the INCREASE project a “Hands-on-manual for DSOs” has been created.

Future decentralized electricity systems will pose additional challenges for existing market actors, including DSOs. New technologies, innovations and business models are being tested in a variety of EU funded projects. First insights report numerous challenges, risks as well as opportunities ranging from technical constraints to real‐life barriers when implementing new solutions. Moreover these new solutions impose challenges to the regulatory framework. In this context, INCREASE has gained additional insights in these issues, which will be shared and discussed with DSOs, market actors and others who will play a central role in the future electricity market. Therefore, the aim of the newly published hands‐on manual is to provide lessons learned from INCREASE with a focus on the experiences gained in the field trials from the design, implementation and operation phase.

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