TSO – DSO Management Report

TSO – DSO Management Report

The work of the five associations (EDSO, CEDEC, ENTSO-E, EURELECTRIC and GEODE) in the field of TSO-DSO cooperation culminated with the publication of their common TSO/DSO data management report. The report serves to provide input to the European Commission’s forthcoming market design and renewables package. The document aims in particular at sharing recommendations on common European principles and criteria for data and information exchanges. This will help preparing the much-needed cooperation between TSOs and DSOs in the face of new challenges and developments including the prominent role of customers in the energy transition, the need for flexibility in balancing and congestion management, as well as in stepping up efforts of coordination between TSOs and DSOs.

The work was organised around two objectives. First, project partners agreed upon a common terminology used to develop a unified understanding of the projects’ objectives. Second, the project reached a common understanding of the data needs of certain roles and responsibilities, which was identified as a critical block for more advanced discussions on data management.

In the project, TSOs and DSOs worked out five different uses cases that aim to clarify data management and data exchange between TSOs and DSOs: congestion management, balancing, use of flexibility, real-time control and supervision, and network planning. These use cases are related to different processes of the electricity system and market, and are relevant examples for the definition of data exchanges on the TSO-DSO interface.

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