ACER work programme 2015 – EDSO asks ACER to devote resources to distribution challenges

ACER work programme 2015 – EDSO asks ACER to devote resources to distribution challenges

European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators’ (ACER) work programme for 2015, as well as on its Bridge to 2025 consultation paper. The consultations encourage stakeholders to think ahead and reflect on how to set up a stable, but flexible, regulatory framework for the energy sector for the ten years to come. Below, please find some of the main reflections from the response to the 2015 work programme:

ACER work programme 2015

EDSO would like to see activities related to distribution networks present in the work programme. Since ACER is permitted to launch its own initiatives, EDSO encourages the agency to devote some of its resources to study the role of the DSO in the future energy system and how it can further grow to accommodate the development of distributed energy resources and the arrival of new types of energy use with significant consequences for grid stability such as electric vehicles.

You can access EDSO’s response to the “A Bridge to 2025” here.

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