Living the transition – E.DSO and ENTSO-E team up for InnoGrid 10th edition

Living the transition – E.DSO and ENTSO-E team up for InnoGrid 10th edition

4 June 2021 – Opening the 10th edition of InnoGrid on 4 June, European Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson stressed the three major trends affecting Europe’s energy system – decarbonisation, decentralization, digitalization. She recognized the important role of transmission and distribution system operators in managing the impact of these trends on the power system. She concluded by saying: “Thanks to TSOs & DSOs for their efforts in exceptional times. Our energy system has shown its resilience despite last year’s challenges”.

Launched 10 years ago, our 2021 annual appointment on innovation in power networks co-organised by the European Association for Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) focused on how grid operators enable the energy transition today.

“DSOs are committed to invest 40 billion euros per annum over the next decade to guarantee the energy transition and connected social evolution, coordinating in terms of policies and regulations with the TSOs”, recalled Christian Buchel, E.DSO Chair.

Hervé Laffaye, ENTSO-E President underlined that: “The development and integration of innovative solutions needs to accelerate. TSOs, together with DSOs, aim at strengthening cooperation of all stakeholders to meet climate neutrality by 2050; facilitating the pooling of innovation in Europe.”

This first day of the 10th Edition of InnoGrid attended online by more than 300 participants could count on the additional contribution of several outstanding speakers like, among others, Vincent Berrutto, Head of Unit for Innovation, Research, Digitalisation, Competitiveness, EC DG Energy; Christian Zinglersen, ACER Director; Dolf Gielen, Director Innovation and Technology at IRENA; together with relevant TSO and DSO experts.

The InnoGrid first day showed that TSO/DSO cooperation is already very strong, be it on innovation, flexibility or sector integration, and that it will remain a key enabler in the years to come for reaching the objectives under the EU Green Deal.

A second day of 2021 InnoGrid is foreseen on 11 June morning with the objective to showcase some of the most relevant ongoing innovative projects in the field of asset management and flexibility markets. In order to secure your seat for this second innovation deep-dive you can still register here .

Presentations of the event are available on this link. The full recording of the webinar is available here.


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