E.DSO announces the 3 winners of the 1st ‘Digital DSO Power Award’

E.DSO announces the 3 winners of the 1st ‘Digital DSO Power Award’

1 December – Launched for the first time in 2021, E.DSO ‘Digital DSO Power Award’ has the ambition to be a recognition for most meaningful and relevant digital innovative initiatives contributing to the shaping of the new role of Distribution System Operators.

This year 3 ex aequo awards have been granted by a prestigious and knowledgeable Selection Committee and were disclosed at today’s 4th E.DSO Stakeholder and Innovation Council event.

EDP Redes Spain has been rewarded for the ‘Active Networks Management project as best contribution to ‘System Operation’.

Fluvius has won the prize with the initiative DSO Boost Customers Insights with Data for the best ‘Customer Engagement’ contribution.

Piclo Flex, independent marketplace for trading energy flexibility online, has been rewarded for the ‘Market Facilitation’ category.

On the same occasion, a ‘Career, Academic & Merit Award’ have been granted to Ronnie Belmans, Professor Emeritus at the KU Leuven, Advisor to the board of EnergyVille and Advisor at the Florence school of regulation, and Nikos Hatziargyriou, Professor in Power Systems at the Athens National Technical University. This special recognition wants to acknowledge the eminent contribution made to the progress of network technologies in electricity distribution.

Finally, a ‘Knowledge Sharing Merit’ was also awarded today to Gridspertise, headed by Robert Denda as Sole Administrator and CEO and Head of Innovation & Industrialization at Enel Global Infrastructure & Networks, as a recognition of how remarkably the new venture is fostering the digitalization of advanced metering, networks and field operations.

#EDSOCouncil21   #DigitalDSOPowerAward 

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