E.DSO & ENTSO-E second InnoGrid virtual session discusses flexibility and new markets

E.DSO & ENTSO-E second InnoGrid virtual session discusses flexibility and new markets

30 June 2020

While on 18 June the first InnoGrid virtual session focused on renewables’ integration, the European Distribution System Operators’ Association (E.DSO) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) put flexibility, energy system coordination and new markets at the heart of their second InnoGrid virtual session.

Introducing the session, Michela Marasco, Policy Officer, Research and Innovation, DG Energy, European Commission said: “This is Europe’s momentum: Repair and Prepare for the next Generation. Research and innovation are playing a crucial rule in driving the shift towards a clean, circular, competitive and climate neutral economy. Interoperability of solutions will be key in supporting the grid development objectives of the Green Deal”.

For Jan Kostevc, Electricity Infrastructure Team Leader at ACER, “TSOs and DSOs should be innovative, and efficiency of the grid should be the objective of innovation. Regulatory frameworks should not only allow, but they should also stimulate innovation”.

“Reaching climate neutrality as per the Green Deal means massive deployment and integration of large-scale renewable sources – notably offshore, deeper electrification and smart sector integration with power system operators as key enablers”, commented Hakon Borgen, Executive Vice President Technology and Development & ENTSO-E RDI Committee Chair, “The new ENTSO-E Research, Development and Innovation Roadmap, now out for consultation, highlights areas where innovation needs to happen for the energy system transformation to materialise”.

Paddy Hayes, Managing Director, ESB Networks; Co-Chair, TSO-DSO Platform; Board of Directors Member, pointed out “Innovation by Transmission and Distribution System Operators is central to achieving the green recovery goals and leading the transition to a sustainable energy future. E.DSO and its member companies have invested in many important and innovative projects, accelerating the development of more sustainable, efficient and resilient systems for energy customers”.

A projects panel discussion moderated by Torsten Knop, Head of European Regulation, Innogy and Vice-Chair of E.DSO Policy Committee and Antonio Iliceto, ENTSO-E’s Research and Development Committee Convenor and Future of Energy System, TERNA highlighted how TSO-DSO projects can contribute to the challenges of coordinating the energy system of tomorrow. CoordiNet , EuSysFlex, INTERRFACE and INCIT-EV were among the EU funded projects showcased to the audience.

Christos Dikeakos, Convenor of WG3 Flexibility & Markets of ENTSO-E’s RDI Committee and Head of Section in Planning & Management of R&D projects in IPTO, concluded the event by showing how R&I projects implement concepts of TSO/DSO Active System Management while addressing barriers.

Presentations are available HERE. You can watch the full webinar on this LINK.

E.DSO and ENTSO-E will continue discuss TSO and DSO innovation for climate neutrality in the next year. Looking forward to having you on board again at InnoGrid2021!

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