E.DSO, EPRI and Eurelectric host the second global platform of leading electricity distribution operators

E.DSO, EPRI and Eurelectric host the second global platform of leading electricity distribution operators

28 January 2022

Electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs) from Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas gathered on 27-28 January 2022 in the second worldwide Conference focused on “Setting the grid to net zero”. This global event, co-organised by the Association of European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and Eurelectric, confirmed its pivotal role as a forum bringing together the most significant DSOs at global level with a shared purpose: to reach net zero, promote new strategies and strengthen resilience in the energy distribution sector. This initiative plays a key role in advancing international dialogue and cooperation in the energy field, building on speakers’ experience to boost the energy transition and the green electrification on the planet.

How to target net zero

Targeting net zero is of utmost importance today. Global decarbonization strategies affect DSOs and have an impact on investment and cutting-edge technologies requirements at the distribution level. One of the main challenges is to combine the needs of supporting decarbonization efforts, including both renewable integration and electrification goals, and the need to maintain reliability and resilience of the grid while doing this. Smart grids and customer empowerment are increasingly promoted by countries as they have far-reaching effects on the decarbonization process.

Providing a comprehensive framework of net-zero strategies from different regions of the world, including experiences of investments in smart technologies and customer integration from Europe, Asia and the Middle East, is paramount in order to deal with the climate crisis and to reach net zero target.

Coupling resilience with grid modernization and expanding prosumers market

DSOs are undergoing unprecedented transformations and they play a central role in the energy transition. The increasing need to maintain the security of supply and reliability of electricity, whilst integrating massive shares of distributed energy sources, connecting grid-edge technologies and actively engaging with consumers are crucial challenges on the path to net zero.

Comparing experiences from different regions of the world, such as the growing use of cutting-edge grids in North America and the implementation of net zero programmes based on strengthening resilience and reliability of grids in South America and Europe, is vital to reach climate neutrality.

Watching the Mediterranean coast and southwards

The African continent is increasingly implementing long-term strategies for net zero and continues its work to provide electricity for all citizens. Speakers from this continent shared their experiences with respect to technologies and investments in many countries, as well as the efforts to tackle electrification challenges to support growth and decarbonization in the region.

Europe and Africa are equally committed to implementing sustainable solutions in the electricity distribution sector. Experiences from Africa are crucial for the Mediterranean region and can set the stage for new cooperation programmes in this field. At the same time, the application of European energy technologies throughout the world can benefit a plethora of countries.

The speakers

The Asian-Europe perspective was presented by: Christian Buchel, Chair, E.DSO; Executive Board Member, Director for Customers, Markets and Territories, Enedis; Antonio Cammisecra, Head, Enel Global Infrastructure and Networks; Roberto Zangrandi, Secretary General, E.DSO; Ohsei Ikeda, Chief Engineer, Tokyo Electric Power Grid; GaneshSrinivasan, CEO, Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited; Dr. Chang-Hoon Shin, Head of Distribution Lab, Kepco; Yuwei Shang, Senior Engineer and Deputy Director, Center of Power Distribution Technology, China Electric Power Research Institute; Laura Cozzi, Chief Energy Modeler, IEA.

The Americas were represented by: Torsten Knop, Vice-Chair Policy and Regulation Committee, E.DSO; European Regulation, E.ON; Kelly Speakes-Backman, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy; Juan Rios, Global Planning and Regulation Director, Iberdrola Group; Mark McGranaghan, Fellow, EPRI; Lawrence Jones, Vice President, International Programs, Edison Electric Institute; Matt Ketschke, President, Con Edison; Paul Gogan, Director, WEC Energy Group; Vishal Patel, Principal Manager, Integrated System Analysis, Southern California Edison; Ramon Castañeda, President, ADELA; José Ferrari Careto, Vice-Chair, E.DSO; CEO, E-Redes; Alvaro Villasante, VP Business Management & Innovation, Grupo Energia Bogota (GEB); Kristian Ruby, Secretary General, Eurelectric.

The African perspective was introduced by: Roberto Zangrandi, Secretary General, E.DSO; Vincenzo Ranieri, President, EU DSO Entity; Roberto Vigotti, Secretary General, RES for Africa; Claire Volkwyn, Head of Content, Vuka Group; Kurt Dedekind, Planning Manager, ESKOM Durban; Monde Bala, Group Executive Distribution, ESKOM; Claudio Pedretti, President, Alliance for Rural Electrification; Gunnar Lorenz, Energy Policy Consultant; Domenico Rosa, Head of Unit Strategic Partnerships with Africa and with the ACP (INTPA.A.1), DG International Partnerships, European Commission.

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