E.DSO publishes brochure on DSO services for our customers: ‘Lead the Transition – Serve the Customers’

The electricity distribution network is the direct link between energy consumers on the one hand and electricity generation and transmission on the other. It is the ‘backbone’ of our energy system. European DSOs connect 260 million customers of which the vast majority are residential households and small enterprises.

This paper presents a set of key messages on customer-DSO interactions. It looks at the changing regulatory framework following the adoption of the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package and particularly the relevant consumer and DSO provisions. Different use cases on how DSOs interact with their customers are presented. These include: a) Arranging a grid connection, b) Providing relevant data (e.g. consumption data through smart metering), c) communication (e.g. in case of disturbances or outages), d) Facilitating data exchanges with third parties, e) Enabling new and innovative services and helping customers to become active and reap the benefits of the energy transition.

The European Green Deal is expected to deliver additional value for energy consumers. DSOs are committed to this objective, and therefore ask the European Commission for a close stakeholder engagement. DSOs have the capacity and are willing to play an important role to drive the decarbonisation and digitalisation agenda, with the ultimate goal to strengthen customers and deliver the energy transition.

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