EDSO for Smart Grids welcomes two new members and exchanges views with Members of the European Parliament
January 16th 2012, Brussels – The development of Smart Grids will give a very strong contribution to fulfill the EU Energy targets to 2020 and beyond – decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency and renewable energy. EDSO for Smart Grids is developing with further members and presenting what is needed and how European Distribution System Operators can contribute to this development.
On the 12 January EDSO for Smart Grids together with MEP Antonio Cancian, arranged a seminar on Smart Grids development in Europe in the European Parliament. In front of an audience of 70 people Raffaele Liberali, Director of Energy in the European Commission DG Research, Michèle Bellon, vice Chairman of EDSO for Smart Grids/CEO of ERDF, and Livio Gallo, Chairman of EDSO for Smart Grids/CEO of Enel Distribuzione, gave insight on Smart Grids and how to accelerate the development. Three very interesting Smart Grid projects were presented; ADDRESS, Green eMotion and GRID4EU, highlighting cooperation between DSOs and other stakeholders in different countries to overcome the technical challenges to the deployment of Smart Grids.
Attendees from utilities, the European Commission and the European Parliament shared their views on what is important to bolster development, demonstration and deployment of Smart Grids: The European Union is on the right way, but more funding from the European budget and from national initiatives is urgently needed, funds that can also leverage more private investments. Standards and sound legislative frameworks are required to incentivise Smart Grid investments and last but not least, stakeholders have to take customers on-board as successful development needs to be built on trust and open communication.
During its Board of Directors’ meeting in Brussels on the 13 January, EDSO for Smart Grids was very pleased to welcome Energa Operator from Poland and Alliander from the Netherlands as new members.