2030 framework for climate and energy policies – EDSO response to European Commission consultation

2030 framework for climate and energy policies – EDSO response to European Commission consultation

EDSO for Smart Grids presented, today, its response to the European Commission public consultation on the future 2030 climate and energy policy framework.

EDSO’s members are regulated monopolies with the core mission to guarantee the network stability and security of electricity supply. They are technology-neutral and adapting to the evolution of energy production and consumption.

EDSO for Smart Grids has no specific view on future targets, but encourages policy-makers to apprehend the full extent of their decisions on electricity networks.

The main points highlighted by EDSO are that:

  1. The increasing capacity of renewables (and most notably solar energy) has a direct impact on the distribution grids. Developping renewable energy sources also requires investing in the electricity network.
  2. Integrating renewables, limiting greenhouse gas emissions or improving energy efficiency requires research & development. In the case of distribution system operators, which are regulated monopolies, regulators and policy-makers should support the research efforts made.
  3. To accommodate all these changes, DSOs will have to take on new roles and responsibilities and to be given new tools.
  4. “Distribution Grids” is a topic on its own, EDSO encourages policy-makers not to dilute it in other topics such as renewables or smart cities.

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