E.DSO amendments to EU Electricity Market Design reform

As representation of the largest European Distribution System Operators (DSOs), E.DSO supports the efforts by the European Commission and the European Parliament to reform the Electricity Market Design to a new, fossil free reality, and thus, protecting customers from unproportioned price spikes effecting their electricity bills and increase competitiveness of European industries by facilitating possibilities to invest in clean tech measures required to achieve the net zero path.

We welcome the report by MEP Nicolás Casares published on May 15, particularly regarding the proposed amendments emphasising the need for anticipatory investment in grid infrastructure, the recognition of the role of DSOs in peak load reduction and its limitation to a crisis mechanism, the efforts to further clearly distinguish between the main meter and other measuring devices, as well as the inclusion of incentives for energy sharing at the local level.

To ensure the most effective outcome of the EMD revision, E.DSO members put forward a number of suggestions, as listed below:

  • Proposed changes appearing as deleted or added
  • EP Report amendments supported by E.DSO
  • E.DSO additional suggestions to improve the EP’s report
  • EP Report amendments unwelcomed by E.DSO

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