E.DSO amendments to the European Parliament’s approach to the Revision of the Electricity Market Design

We are pleased to announce the latest developments in amendments to the EP’s approach to the revision of the Electricity Market Design (EMD). Following a recent attempt by a group of Members of the European Parliament to overturn the compromises reached by the ITRE Committee on 19 July, the majority of delegates firmly rejected this proposal: On 14 September, the report was approved with a total of 366 votes in favor. This endorsement positions the European Parliament (EP) for interinstitutional negotiations, marking an important milestone in the legislative process.

As we are awaiting the General Approach of the Council, E.DSO today publishes their latest amendments highlighting specific areas within the Parliament’s report that require attention in the upcoming trialogues:

Flexible Connection Agreements:

While we welcome the inclusion of flexible connection agreements, it is crucial to address the premature exclusion of using these as a permanent alternative, as proposed in the EP’s report. We consider it crucial to define flexible connection agreements in a first step, as the current approach is risking to undermine ongoing regulatory sandboxes in some MS.

Energy Sharing:

The strong emphasis on prioritizing the involvement of small and non-commercial market actors within relatively close geographic areas, as defined by Member States, is a welcomed by E.DSO. However, we hold that it is paramount to establish a standardized industry-wide definition to ensure an effective implementation.

Dedicated Measurement Devices:

Concerning DMDs, we urge co-legislators to limit their use solely to observability and flexibility purposes, and hence to exclude any link to billing and settlement functions. This also refers to the importance of excluding energy sharing from such measurement activities, as currently outlined in the EP.

For a more detailed understanding of our position, including concrete improvement proposals and practical examples that illustrate the issues at hand, please download the document.

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