E.DSO Athens Declaration

Representing the leading Distribution System Operators (DSOs), E.DSO publishes the ‘Athens Declaration’ setting the ground for strategic and executive solutions to overcome the bottlenecks that might lead to the rationing of access to new connections. The spirit should be prompt, decisive and impactful decision. The perspective and vision are to guarantee no disruption of the distribution grids in 2023-2025 and in the years to come.

Adopted by the Board in their last meeting, the Athens Declaration gathers in 12 points the industrial and entrepreneurial interest of leading European Distribution System Operators by seeking the consideration of the EU Council, Commission and Parliament, ACER and for the sector’s most relevant stakeholders and neighbouring energy associations representing the solar-PV, wind generation and other electric power generation technologies or vectors.

The most considerable part of renewables is fed to the grid through the distribution grids, which currently take enormous and innovative measures to dispatch all that is produced. Moreover, the existing difficulties in channelling the electrons into the electrical system as an all, distribution and transmission grids may become extremely challenging in many regions. To avoid deadlocks and paralysis of efficient power distribution, E.DSO calls for solid planning. E.DSO and its members are ready and willing to contribute and cooperate with the European institutions and member states technical and regulatory authorities to build this compulsory planning process.

Informed by the perspective and insights of industry experts working across Europe, our declaration makes concrete steps for the future of energy, addressing both the economic and industrial dimensions.

Check out and download the high-level declaration to get the full picture.

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