E.DSO position paper on the Revision of the EU’s electricity market design

E.DSO issued today a position paper in response to the EU consultation on the EU’s electricity market reform. We believe that the revision is an important step on the road to changing the electricity market to meet customers’ long-term interests for reliable and low carbon energy supplies. Europe is moving towards a decarbonised energy system with very high shares of renewables. E.DSO members agree that there is need for a long-term EU electricity market design that unlocks and supports the much-needed investments.

Therefore, via this position paper we aim to explain the role of European Distribution System Operators in the exponential electrification of society and identify the measures, related to their activity, to be implemented in support of this reform.

E.DSO recommends considering the following parameters during the review of the electricity market:

  1. Vast acceleration of grid investments, smartification and coordination are vital to facilitate the energy transition in the most effective and efficient manner.
  2. New incentives to enable demand-side response from the fast-growing residential DER such as EVs and Heat Pumps distributed flexibility are crucial to create the flexibility needed for security of supply.
  3. Exponential upscaling as well as regulatory conditions enabling DSOs as market facilitators that ensure optimal size, location and functioning are necessary to unlock battery storage’s full potential.

Download the document to read the full content.

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