E.DSO, Eurelectric and GEODE – Position paper on the revision of the F-gas Regulation

E.DSO, Eurelectric and Geode are supportive of the EU commitment to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions towards the achievement of climate neutrality in 2050, as part of the European Green Deal objectives. Distribution system operators(DSOs) and generators are willing to commit further efforts to reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases), and in particular SF6, as far as possible through the adoption of SF6-free switchgear equipment. In this context, we welcome the review of the Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 (hereinafter referred to as the F-gas Regulation).

End-users, such as DSOs and generators have already voluntarily committed to using SF6-free alternatives provided they meet the criteria laid out in Article 21.4 of the F-gas Regulation and strict safety requirements from toxicological and environmental perspectives. In the position paper, E.DSO, Eurelectric and GEODE urge the European Commission to take the following considerations into account when revising the F-gas Regulation.

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