E.DSO Feedback to Data Act

E.DSO submitted the feedback to the European Commission’s Data Act proposal. E.DSO fully endorses the Commission’s view that the availability of and access to data holds immense potential for innovation and value creation, and that this will greatly contribute to the recovery and resilience of the society post COVID-19 pandemic. EDSO includes some suggestions to ensure that the Data Act will promote more data sharing and help EU to unlock the potential of data-driven innovation, encourage customers to make greater choices, and allow DSOs to develop new content and services. Due to the energy transition, DSOs are becoming data recipients that depend on external information to cost-effectively plan and operate their networks. There are many types of data which shall be available to the DSOs, including those related with the resources participating in flexibility mechanism. As this data is to support the operation of the public service, it should be understood as mandatory, and not subject market-based services.

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