E.DSO responds to open consultation on the Review of Directive 2018/2001/EU on the promotion of the use of the energy from renewable sources.

The European Union is currently undergoing one of the most ambitious revisions, to align the economic growth with the climate objectives for the upcoming decades. The publication of the 2030 Target Plan supported by its Impact Assessment upgraded the previsions for the renewable and energy efficiency shares, in view of Europe’s path to climate neutrality, and the new commitments derived from the European Green Deal. The energy system will represent the backbone of the commitment to climate neutrality by 2050. E.DSO is fully committed to its long-term objectives and acknowledges the importance of these directives for its achievement. Having this in mind, E.DSO members provided an integrated response to the open consultation stressing that increasing deployment of renewable electricity needs to be accompanied by an equally ambitious infrastructure development policy, in order to ensure grid stability and broader energy system security. Additionally, it was emphasized that DSOs provide different solutions at the local level allowing for the integration of high shares of renewable energy, aligned with the Energy System Integration. Through network planning, forecasting, and the deployment of digital tools, DSOs enable flexible services, enhance the visibility of final energy consumption and integrate new solutions for active management to increase efficiency.

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