E.DSO statement on F-gas Regulation

E.DSO fully embraces the European Commission’s overarching objective to reduce F-Gas emissions and is strongly committed to contributing to achieving climate neutrality. The Distribution System Operators’ (DSOs) play a crucial role in accelerating the energy transition and integration of RES in the energy system, while safeguarding the stability of the grid and the supply of electricity to customers.

While we generally believe that SF6 and other F-gases should be phased-out due to their very high global warming potential, there is still disagreement on how to do that most efficiently and without creating (unnecessary) costs and obstacles for the energy transition as a whole and for DSOs in particular. This is the case e.g., with regards to already existing equipment (e.g., switchgear and substations that are an integral parts of today’s electricity grid).

E.DSO members argue that it will be a major disadvantage to network users and operators alike and not to the benefit of the environment if such equipment will have to be replaced in the future just because it contains SF6 without considering that its useful technical lifetime is far from over.

Please download the document to read its full content.

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