E.DSO technical paper on V2G charging mechanisms

This technical paper focuses on the bi-directional charging of electric vehicles from the point of view of distribution system operators, delving into how vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-everything charging mechanisms will be implemented through the new network codes and can be effectively implemented to enhance grid flexibility, reduce costs, and support the overarching goals of climate agreements.

Based on the data, use cases and information collected by the members of Task Force 2 “E-mobility” of E.DSO, the paper draws several recommendations related to standardization, flexibility, certification, power control and the impact of bi-directional charging on distribution grids.


  • Karima Boukir (Enedis)
  • Dan Catanase (ESB Networks)
  • Michal Fifowski (PGE Dystrybucja)
  • Jan Kula (CEZ Distribuce)
  • Ingmar Müller (Netze-BW)
  • Roman Nowatschek (EVN)
  • Miguel Pardo (Enel Grids)
  • Markus Peyreder (E-Netze)
  • Christian Simetzberger (Netz-noe)
  • Bart Van Wulpen (Fluvius)
  • Arjan Wargers (ElaadNL)
  • Antoine Watelet (ORES)

For further information, please contact Selene Liverani at selene.liverani@edsoforsmartgrids.eu.

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