E.DSO Technology Paper: Experiences for Optimising Renewables’ Integration in the Distribution Grid

Following the launch of an E.DSO members’ survey on the topic of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) connection and a fruitful Knowledge Sharing Session held in April, the members of the E.DSO Technology and Knowledge Sharing (T&KS) Committee partnered with McKinsey & Company to produce this paper and share experiences and recommendations for the optimization of renewables’ integration into distribution grids.

After describing the current panorama for grid integration of DERs in Europe, the Technology Paper presents the bottlenecks and best practices identified through the members’ survey. A series of recommendations are formulated to support DSOs in the connection of more DERs to the existing network and the minimization of their connection lead times. These are organized around four main areas: permitting and regulation, technical skills, grid management and planning, DER advanced functionalities and digitalisation.

Four case studies are presented to concretely underpin these recommendations, highlighting experiences from Portugal, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Lithuania.

Curious to learn more? Download the document to read the full paper.

Authors and editors:

  • Miguel Louro (E-Redes, PT).
  • Ernestas Zimkus (ESO, LT).
  • Jan Kůla (CEZ Distribuce, CZ).
  • Anne van der Molen (Stedin, NL).
  • Gonçalo Pinheiro (McKinsey & Company).
  • Selene Liverani (E.DSO).

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