Equal Opportunities at E.DSO

The concept of ‘Equal Opportunities’ is one of E.DSO – the Association of European Distributions System Operators – core values. E.DSO respects all human beings and appreciates their diversity, regardless of age, gender, race, nationality or other factors. The presence of diversity is seen as a sign of Sustainability which belongs to E.DSO Employees values, in line with the Association nature and scope.

The above values and commitments of E.DSO are implemented as follows:

E.DSO Internal Guidelines

  • E.DSO Internal Guidelines are meant to govern the working conditions of all employees of the Association, irrespective of their age, sex or nationality (Art. 1).
  • The collective labour agreement N. 25 sets the principle of equal pay for male and female employees, which appears in articles 141, § 1 and § 2 of the Treaty establishing the European community is annexed to the Guidelines. Equal pay implies, for the same work or for work of equal value, the elimination of all discrimination based on sex. It is clearly specified that equal pay for male and female employees should be ensured in all elements and conditions of remuneration, including job evaluation systems (Schedule 1). E.DSO remuneration policy is based on a specific job profile.
  • A procedure is set to protect all employees again psychological or sexual harassment, understood as any type of verbal or corporal behaviour that the guilty party is aware of or ought to be aware of affects the dignity of women and men in the workplace. Such conduct may be related in particular to age, religion, political or trade union beliefs, disability, language, present or future state of health, sexual orientation, nationality, gender, race, ethnic origin, and skin colour. Preventive measures and internal and external processes are clearly defined (Schedule 4)
  • E.DSO employees at the service of E.DSO members and stakeholders, with the best possible professional service and advice, with full observance of confidentiality, commitment and mutual respect. They represent the Association with competence, honesty, integrity and transparency, by cooperating and supporting each other and integrating diversity with pride as an enriching aspect.
  • Working hours are very well defined in the Guidelines, with the aim of ensuring work-life balance as well as organisational culture (Art. 6). The number of working hours is 38 per week, distributed over 5 business days. An employee cannot work more than 9 hours a day and more than 40 hours a week. Accountancy of a minimum of 1 hour breaks each day is compulsory. Employees having an exceptional workload period can notify and request to the Secretary General to work extra. Extra hours can be recovered by taking working hours off, subject to the approval of the Secretary General and in consideration of individual professional assignments and the Association’s needs. The total of working hours is to be considered on a reference period of 12 months. A heavier workload period is automatically compensated by lighter yearly periods. The total amount. Moreover, a total of 30 vacation days/year is granted from the first year of employment, which corresponds to 9 days more than the official legal ones. It is also an established practice since 2016 that offices are closed between Christmas and the New Year.
  • The Association encourages the development of the Employees by taking at least one training per year, subject to the approval of the Secretary General (Art. 7). Some staff members have addended an Association Management Master that covers managerial, strategic and leadership modules indirectly raising awareness on gender equality and unconscious gender biases.

E.DSO employment process

  • E.DSO encourages applications from anyone who believes they fit the essential requirements for any job vacancies, and in particular from candidates of different race/ethnicity; religion/belief; disability; sex, gender identity or sexual orientation; marital or parental status; and age. Compensation packages are based on the job profile.
  • The above clause is included in all public position opening announcements.
  • In 2021, 80% of E.DSO team was composed of women. 60% were in managerial positions.

E.DSO internal and external representation

  • Diversity for example in relation to geographical area and sex is applied whenever possible for E.DSO internal and external representation.

E.DSO initiatives and projects

  • E.DSO projects participate in initiatives such as ‘Equal by 30,’ which aim to promote equal opportunities.
  • E.DSO promotes initiatives that contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 7, that respectively highlight the need to ensure gender equality and access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. E.DSO Sustainable Grid Charter stating the commitment of E.DSO and its members to sustainability in all its forms from environmental concerns to social responsibility and answerable corporate operation was launched in November 2019.
  • E.DSO is a member of the EC Equality Platform for the Energy Sector since 5 April 2022 and actively encouraging its Member companies to also join this initiative. E.DSO endorses the declaration of equal opportunities for all in the energy sector. The document can be found here.
  • E.DSO has together with its colleagues in the H2020 project Platone started a wider debate with other projects about the gender imbalance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), which ultimately leads to an imbalance in the Energy R&I sector.

E.DSO is fully committed through its Team and Members to promoting an inclusive and diverse environment that is central to achieving the EU’s ambition of a clean energy transition.

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