FLOW: Drivers for Vehicle-Grid Integration

The ambitious target set by the Fit for 55 package to reduce CO2 emissions from new vehicles to zero by 2035, banning the sale of new hybrid or internal combustion engine vehicles, urges for the electrification of the transport sector and the deployment of the necessary EV charging infrastructure. With most of the EV chargers to be connected to distribution grids, DSOs play a key role in achieving EU decarbonisation targets and the requirements set by the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID).

FLOW’s D1.1 “External Drivers” investigates framework conditions, barriers and motivations driving the electrification in the transport sector in order to establish a common knowledge background for the development of the FLOW solutions. The deliverable deep dives into European and national policy frameworks impacting Vehicle-Grid Integration and outlines the barriers, needs and motivations of stakeholders towards energy system integration.

The FLOW project aims at boosting the optimal integration of EVs by promoting a user-centric concept of electric mobility that provides benefits to the European energy system. FLOW will validate and quantify the benefits associated with EV charging flexibility to alleviate grid problems and achieve energy decarbonisation while transitioning to a sustainable mobility model.

Download the document to learn more and discover the other deliverables and publications of the FLOW project here.

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