Joint Industrial Statement on the Data Act

E.DSO together with Eurelectric and TenneT today issued a joint statement with recommendations for the ongoing negotiations on the Data Act. Our associations and members are fully committed to supporting and guiding the digital transformation and welcome the focus at European level on ensuring Europe becomes fit for the digital age. We acknowledge the urgency of securing policies and legislation to constructively shape the digital transformation.

However, considering that the Data Act is one of at least 15 horizontal and sectorial dossiers which govern the exchange of data in the energy sector, we are primarily concerned about misalignments and conflicts between these pieces of legislation, and would welcome a reconciliation and condensing of the regulatory landscape. Doing so will allow companies active in the energy sector to better remain in compliance and to understand the functioning of the data ecosystem in which they operate.

The undersigned groups from the energy sector have formulated recommendations to the co-legislators engaged in the interinstitutional negotiations for the adoption of the Data Act to ensure that this piece of EU legislation is as sound as possible. To reduce any ambiguity in the interpretation and implementation of the Data Act and the subsequent sector-specific regulations, we request a clear statement in this recital that the rules and procedures laid out in the sector-specific legislation will take precedence over the general provisions laid out in the Data Act. Further and to promote clarity while enabling market stakeholders such as EU SMEs, distribution, and transmission system operators harness opportunities of digital markets, we ask the Commission for a data classification scheme as lex-specialis, defining the rules for energy data sharing.

Download the document to read its full content.

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