Joint Statement on EU Grid Action Plan

In the State of the Union 2023 report, the European Commission acknowledges the pressing need for energy grid reinforcement and market adjustments to achieve a clean, efficient, and integrated energy system, entrusting this task to the forthcoming grids action plan, which will encompass vital steps in this direction.

E.DSO, CEDEC and GEODE are representing the electricity Distribution System Operators (DSOs) at EU level, and strongly emphasising the need for expanding and upgrading the electricity grid at the distribution level to ensure that Europe and EU Member States achieve their decarbonisation objectives.

We would like to share a list of recommendations that might feed into the forthcoming Grid Action Plan to be launched at the fourth edition of the PCI Energy Days (28 and 29 November 2023):

  • Adequate Financing: We advocate for a stable regulatory framework that encourage proactive investments. DSOs must see an adequate economic return on their investments.
  • Anticipatory Investments: Waiting until the concrete and steeply rising connection and capacity needs materialise is not an option. We advocate to invest in grid infrastructure pro-actively and ahead of time, aligning with EU ambitious goals.
  • Faster permitting: Facilitating the essential investment levels requires quick permitting procedures.
  • Grid Skill Development: The presence of suitable expertise and skills including the potential use of AI when beneficial, is essential.

Please download the document to consult the full content of our Joint Statement.

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