Key Outcomes of the 2nd Platone Coordination Workshop

Knowledge exchange is the cornerstone to the uptake of flexibility solutions to optimise the operation, controllability, observability, and resilience of smart distribution networks. Grid innovation pivots on cooperation, transparency and information exchange across the whole energy ecosystem: Distribution System Operators (DSOs), Transmission System Operators (TSOs), markets, customers and aggregators.

Following a successful first edition, on 6 December 2022, the Platone project organised a 2nd Coordination Workshop for Horizon 2020 projects funded under the ES-1 call “Flexibility and retail market options for the distribution grid”. The event was attended by about 50 representatives from the projects ebalance-plus, EUniversal, FEVER, FLEXIGRID, PARITY, and X-FLEX.

What steps did you take, and which ones are needed next to overcome the challenges faced by the projects?”. This question kicked off the discussion among the projects’ representatives who later joined different thematic breakout rooms to discuss and exchange knowledge around five core topics: New regulatory impact on innovation, Lessons learnt from field testing, Customer engagement strategies, Energy communities and active user participation, and Open Source for DSOs.

The workshop once again proved the value of knowledge sharing as an enabler of innovation as participants worked together to identify remaining barriers to the rollout of flexibility solutions, exchange best practices and formulate recommendations for the final steps of their activities and future initiatives. This document summarises the key outcomes of the discussion, which will pave the way for the exploitation of Platone’s solution after the conclusion of its activities in August 2023.

For more information:

  • Visit Platone’s website: here
  • Read Platone Deliverables and Publications: here

Please download the document to discover the Key Outcomes.

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