Response to Commission Questionnaire on Energy Storage

Response to Commission Questionnaire on Energy Storage

The Commission asked stakeholders at the Florence Forum on 31 May to provide their views on a number of open questions on energy storage, with the aim to outline future EU actions in this field. This document outlines EDSO’s views on the questions presented by the Commission.

Europe’s energy system is fundamentally changing due to various interconnected developments, including the electrification of the energy system, digitisation, more decentralised generation and multi-directional power flows. While the whole energy system moves towards more electrification, the deployment of intermittent renewable energy sources is drastically increasing. About 90% of renewables are connected to the distribution grid and their volatility poses on the one hand a challenge to network operators and on the other hand provides opportunity for them to use renewables, together with DSR and storage, as flexibility sources. As the energy system takes up higher shares of variable renewables, storage technologies will be an essential source of flexibility in the power system – next to demand response – in ensuring security of supply and cost-efficient system operation. We appreciate the fact that DSOs should be allowed to own and operate storage devices under certain circumstances.

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