Revision of the Electricity Market Design: E.DSO position on Council’s approach

On 19 June, European Energy Ministers are meeting in Luxembourg seeking a General Approach for their position on the proposal to reform the EU’s Electricity Market Design. Against this background, E.DSO published today a number of recommendations, aimed at fully aligning the Council’s approach with the overall aim to protect and empower European consumers.

While we support the limitation of peak shaving products to a crisis mechanism, the distinction between main metering and measurement device as well as the introduction of an appropriate timeline for assessments of flexibility needs in the Council’s approach, we see the need to underline the following improvements:

  • Establishment of geographical limitations of energy sharing determined by MS to match local generation & local consumption and eventually, to avoid congestion.
  • Stronger incentives for MS to implement balanced investment frameworks.
  • Ensuring an adequate framework for investment assessments by including also medium and long term.
  • Clarification that only the main meter must be used for billing purposes to avoid variety of sub-standards. Need to link existing legislation on metering.
  • A consistent acknowledgment of the DSO’s role in peak shaving.
  • Focus on demand response & storage in flexibility assessments, which will ensure consistency among MS.
  • Allow existing investments in DSR & storage participate in flexibility support schemes along with new investments if special support is needed.
  • Support schemes including a locational criterion that ensures new investments in generation to take place in the optimal place & avoid congestion.
  • Non-binding national objectives for flexibility, as progress depends on national experiences.

For detailed explanations, download the full document.

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