Revision of the Electricity Market Design: E.DSO position on EP report – June 2023

Negotiations on the EMD revision are rapidly progressing, demonstrating Co-legislators commitment to provide a strong and sustainable European framework to protect European citizens from future price spikes. In this context, E.DSO latest position on MEP Casares’ report and the corresponding ITRE amendments aiming to contribute to the discussion in the most constructive and efficient way possible, thus ensuring the fulfilment of the European decarbonization targets. The focus is on:

  1. The need for further clarification that only the main meter must be used for billing purposes to avoid variety of sub-standards and the connected suggestion to link the text to existing legislation on metering – Article 7b Regulation (EU) 2019/943) about dedicated measurement devices.

  2. The need for stronger incentive for Member States to implement balanced investment frameworksArticle 18 Regulation (EU) 2019/943 about Charges for access to networks, use of networks and reinforcement.

  3. Geographically differentiated tariffs which go against some Member States’ fundamental principle to secure the same tariffs for all customers, independent of their location – Article 18 Regulation (EU) 2019/943 about Charges for access to networks, use of networks and reinforcement.

  4. The introduction of an appropriate timeline for assessments of flexibility needs focusing on demand response & storage to ensure consistency among MS – Article 19c Regulation (EU) 2019/944 about Assessment of flexibility needs.

  5. Allowing existing investments in Demand Side Response & storage to participate in flexibility support schemes along with new investments if special support is needed – Article 19c Regulation (EU) 2019/944 about Assessment of flexibility needs.

  6. Geographical limitations of energy sharing determined by Member States, which will ensure a match of local generation & local consumption and eventually, avoid congestion – Article 15a – Right to energy sharing.

  7. Maintaining updating requirements of information on efficient access on a “quarterly” basis – Article 31 Directive (EU) 2019/944 about tasks of distribution system operators.

Download the document to read the detailed amendments.

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