Smart Grid Key Performance Indicators: A DSO perspective

This report aims to proactively propose a set of indicators able to measure the performances of smart grids. The document presents a DSOs perspective emerging from the work of a TSOs & DSOs joint task force created in March 2020 under the initiative of ENTSO-E and the four European Associations representing DSOs, CEDEC, E.DSO, EURELECTRIC and GEODE (hereafter together “the Associations”) and composed by experts from the different countries and typologies of system operators. The trigger for this common work is the Article 59.1 (l) of the Electricity Directive ((EU) 2019/944), which tasks the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) to develop a new methodology that can help monitor a necessary infrastructure upgrade through the use of smart grids, focusing on energy efficiency and integration of energy from renewable sources.

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