SolarPower Europe and E.DSO join forces to call for a stronger European distribution grid

Today, E.DSO and SolarPower Europe have issued a joint statement calling for emergency measures to facilitate grid connection and integration of solar generation for coming winters.


Recognising the ongoing effort to accelerate solar deployment of solar PV during the current energy crisis, and the potential challenges in adding this new solar capacity to the grid, the solar sector and Europe’s Distribution System Operators (DSOs) urge EU member states to speed up the implementation of the existing Clean Energy Package. In practice, this means increasing transparency of grid availability, developing local flexibility markets, and modernising the renumeration structure of DSOs.

Naomi Chevillard, Head of Regulatory Affairs at SolarPower Europe comments: “The proposed EU emergency renewables law recognises solar as a key instrument to decrease the continent’s dependency on Russian gas. We must ensure we support the distribution grids to host and deliver critical solar power to European citizens and businesses.”

Together, DSOs and the solar sector are confident grid bottlenecks do not have to delay solar expansion. Emergency measures to address the energy crisis can introduce binding limit periods for authorisation periods. To the benefit of the grid, and citizens, emergency measures can facilitate flexible grid connection agreements, where capacity is limited, and introduce economic incentives for prosumers.

Tzeni Varfi, Principal at E.DSO comments: “The integration of renewables is one of the major challenges to electricity DSOs, but it is also an opportunity to build a more decentralised energy system, more resilient and closer to the customer. E.DSO is striving for optimal solutions for DSO and solar projects including storage that optimise the system is crucial for an efficient energy transition. This joint effort shows that E.DSO and Solar Power Europe stand ready to play their part and ensure a sound transition, benefits which can be shared by all.”

About SolarPower Europe

SolarPower Europe is the award-winning link between policymakers and the solar PV value chain. Our mission is to ensure solar becomes Europe’s leading energy source by 2030. As the member-led association for the European solar PV sector, SolarPower Europe represents over 280 organisations across the entire solar sector. With solar sitting on the horizon of unprecedented expansion, we work together with our members to create the right regulatory and business environment to take solar to the next level.

About E.DSO

European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) promotes and enables customers empowerment and the increase in the use of clean energy sources through electrification, the development of smart and digital grid technologies in real-life situations, new market designs and regulation.

E.DSO gathers 39 leading electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) in 24 countries, including 2 national associations, cooperating to ensure the reliability of Europe’s electricity supply for consumers and enabling their active participation in our energy system. How? By shaping smarter grids for your future.

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