The CoordiNet Final Results Report: Paving the Way to Flexibility Markets in Europe

After the CoordiNet experience came to an end last June with a successful Final Conference in Brussels, the project is ready to share its final Results Report.

The EU Horizon 2020 funded CoordiNet project is a flagship of E.DSO activities, establishing cooperation among all energy stakeholders to pave the way towards secure, smart, digitalised, and future-proof electricity grids.

CoordiNet worked for three years and a half to foster cooperation among Distribution System Operators (DSOs), Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and consumers for the optimal leveraging of flexibility resources for a secure and efficient electricity grid. A set of grid services and products characterised by harmonised attributes were defined from the analysis of System Operators’ (SO) needs and integrated to develop a common classification of TSO-DSO coordination schemes. These were tested and validated in three large-scale demonstrations in Spain, Sweden and Greece which highlighted that there is no one-size-fits-all coordination scheme, due to local differences, distinct regulations, and diverse market maturity levels.

Yet, it is CoordiNet’s vision that distinct market platforms will become interoperable at the European level and that DSOs will assume a fundamental and proactive role in the energy system while fostering the integration of renewable energy sources. Continued efforts are necessary to harmonise market-based flexibility solutions to allow the replication of best practices as envisioned in the a set of policy recommendations proposed by the project.

Read the full Report to learn more about CoordiNet’s proposed coordination schemes, large-scale demonstration results, and economic and regulatory analysis to embark on the journey towards EU flexibility markets on the tracks of the CoordiNet Roadmap.


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