EPRI, E.DSO Bring Together Leading U.S. and European Electric Utilities Addressing COVID-19 Challenges and Path Forward

EPRI, E.DSO Bring Together Leading U.S. and European Electric Utilities Addressing COVID-19 Challenges and Path Forward

28 May 2020

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) convened more than 250 European, U.S., and other international electric grid company leaders in panel-led discussions of experiences related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and long-term recovery strategies during a joint webcast on May 27. Discussions focused on lessons learned and mitigations implemented, and potential system investments and research to enable a smarter, safer, and cleaner electric grid as a critical component of a more sustainable society.

Panel members were João Torres, CEO of EDP Distribuição; Okko Ziegler, Head of Market Studies, Global Infrastructure and Networks, ENEL Group; Chris Kelly, COO of National Grid U.S. Electric; and Terry Donnelly, President and COO of Commonwealth Edison. 

“The electric industry has reliably met customers’ energy needs at a time of unprecedented global challenges, due in large part to its commitment to share best practices and to open collaboration,” said EPRI Vice President of Integrated Grid and Energy Systems Daniel Brooks. “This webcast connected industry leaders across continents to learn about how others are addressing shared challenges during the pandemic, and together prepare for the future.”

“The global storyline of DSO has changed during this emergency. They have proven, especially in Europe, to be highly reliable, with excellent common security and safety standards, granting everybody active sockets and burning lamps. Still, the system has to be kept that way and further improved — anyway,” said Christian Buchel, E.DSO Chairman and Enedis Director Clients, Territories and Europe.

This panel discussion builds on a previous E.DSO webinar outlining approaches for dealing with COVID-19 and addressing opportunities in the green recovery.

For more information about EPRI’s COVID-19 response and research, please visit its COVID-19 information page.

Find here the distributable slides used during the webinar.


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