
The OneNet project concluded its activities in March 2024. On this page, you can discover its results and key learnings.
While the electrical grid is moving from being fully centralized to a highly decentralized system, grid operators must adapt to this changing environment and adjust their current business model to accommodate faster reactions and adaptive flexibility. This is an unprecedented challenge requiring an unprecedented solution. For this reason, the two major associations of grid operators in Europe, E.DSO and activated their members to put together a unique consortium.
OneNet developed and demonstrated a European electricity system that provides for the seamless near real-time integration of all actors across countries, creating the conditions for a synergistic operation of the market and network that optimizes the overall energy management while creating an open and fair market structure and maximizing the consumer capabilities to participate in it.
The project’s pan-European approach has consisted of four elements:
- OneNet has brought together the large base of knowledge and technology developed so far in previous H2020 projects, like Coordinet and INTERRFACE to create the standardized pan-European system of systems approach and the conditions for a single digital energy market for Europe.
- The project has validated its vision in four demonstration clusters of unprecedented size. 15 European countries have been involved in demonstrating OneNet’s concepts and solutions at the regional and cross-border levels.
- The consortium has demonstrated a truly European approach as it brpught together 72 partners, including a large set of TSOs and DSOs, leading IT companies, and renowned research institutions.
- OneNet has reached beyond the project consortium through the newly established “GRId FOrum” (GRIFOn) platform. GRIFOn enables constant dialogue with all relevant stakeholders and has provided feedback on OneNet concepts and solutions. The GRIFOn platform will continue beyond OneNet project through the TwinEU project launched in January 2024.
OneNet has achieved an unprecedented consensus at the European level, developing solutions ready for market uptake. As further envisioned by Int:net, it will also pave the way for a quick and efficient standardisation process.
The key outcomes of the projects are:
- Framework for the energy sector’s future
- 24 key recommendations to standardize processes, enhance cybersecurity, enable technological advancements, and foster stakeholder engagement.
- OneNet Framework (decentralised ecosystem for interoperability and data exchange)
- Set of open-source components (Connector, Decentralised Middleware, Cross-platform services etc.).
- TRL 8, exploitation path through Linux Foundation for Energy).
- OneNet Grid Management Solutions
- Platforms and software related to grid management and flexibility.
Other Results related to definition of a common market design for Europe.
E.DSO and DSOs
The removal of entry barriers to flexibility markets together with the seamless coordination between grid and market operators are among the key enablers for customer empowerment that will be addressed by OneNet.
OneNet will be testing concepts with 4 European demo clusters involving an unmatched number of countries and their grid operators in a single project:
- Northern Cluster (FI/SWE/NO/EE/LV/LY/EI)
- Southern Cluster (GR/CY)
- Western Cluster (PT/ES/FR)
- Eastern Cluster (PL/HU/CZ/SI)
In addition to contributing to the various work packages of the project, E.DSO has managed a task entitled “Integration of flexibility services and data exchange at the DSO level to ensure interoperability towards the transmission system”, which has resulted in Recommendations document for DSO data exchanges interoperability.
More Information
- All public deliverables
- Videos with main project takeaways
- OneNet framework overview
- OneNet use cases
- Brochure: Empowering consumers
- Recommendations for EU wide implementation of market schemes and interoperable platforms
- Recommendations for interoperability platforms and data exchange for TSO-DSO-customer coordination
- Business model analysis of OneNet solutions