2nd Global Platform of Leading Electricity Distribution Operators “Setting the grid to net zero”

2nd Global Platform of Leading Electricity Distribution Operators

“Setting the grid to net zero”

Online, 27-28 January 2022

Jointly organized by the Association of the European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) the Electric Power Research Institute of the United States (EPRI), and the Union of the Electricity Industry (Eurelectric), the 2nd edition of the Global DSO webinar focused on “Setting the grid to net zero: the challenge to combine enhanced innovation investments with quality and continuity of service assurance”.

This joint initiative was divided in 3 sessions to touch to all regions of the globe: the first session titled “How to target net zero” was dedicated to Europe and Asia, the second session was about “Coupling resilience with grid modernization and expanding prosumers market” in North and South America, while the last session was devoted to Africa with “Watching the Mediterranean coasts and southwards”.


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