3rd Annual InnoGrid2020 European Transmission and Distribution R&D Conference

3rd Annual InnoGrid2020 European Transmission and Distribution R&D Conference

Building on the success of the last two InnoGrid2020+transmission and distribution research and demonstration seminars, ENTSO-E, EDSO for Smart Grids and the EU-funded GRID+ project will hold their 3rd InnoGrid2020+ event on March 25-26th 2014, in Brussels.

This conference brings together industry representatives, researchers and policy makers to assess where we are in terms of research and development for the much needed electricity grids of the future.


The final agenda and presentations are now available.

Among those confirmed to speak alongside EDSO and ENTSO-E’s Chairmen, João Torres (CEO, EDP Distribuçao) and Pierre Bornard (Vice-President, RTE), are:

Key Speakers Include:

  • Dominique Ristori, Director General, DG ENER
  • Marie Donnelly, European Commission, DG ENER
  • Magdalena Andreea Strachinescu Olteanu, European Commission, DG ENER
  • Patricia de Suzzoni, CRE and CEER
  • Luca lo Schiavo, AEEG (Italian regulator)
  • Michele De Nigris, GRID+, RSE, EEGI
  • Gianluca Fulli, European Commission, JRC
  • Maud Skäringer, European Commission, DG REGIO
  • Guillermo Amann, T&D Europe
  • Ronnie Belmans, GSGF
  • Richard Charnah, ETP SmartGrids

Sessions will feature presentations and discussions on the following topics:

  • Grids in the Integrated Roadmap – Working towards a holistic European energy system
  • Funding streams – Status of EU funding opportunities and challenges
  • Market design – Panel session
  • Integration of new energy systems and consumers
  • Challenges and instruments to utilise R&D results for deployment
  • Grids in Smart Cities
  • 3 hour poster and project presentation session (on both 25 & 26 March)

See below some of the EU-funded grid projects you can expect to hear from:

Innovative grid technologies will also be exhibited from:


25 March 2014 – 08.30 – 17.15 followed by optional dinner at 19.30

26 March 2014 – 08.30 – 16.30


Steigenberger Grandhotel, Avenue Louise 71, 1050 Brussels

The deadline to book a room at Steigenberger Grandhotel at a special rate has now passed (7 March 2014) and confirmations have been sent. If you have further questions about your reservation, please make contact.

A dinner will be held at the end of the first day of the conference (25 March 2014), where registrants will be able to continue discussions with project leaders, industry experts and policy makers (registration for dinner complete).


Registration is now closed.

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Unfortunately we were not able to resolve technical issues with the feed. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience caused. We will make as many presentations available as possible in the coming weeks.

Due to the high level of interest in our conference, the InnoGrid2020+ team kindly requests that you send details of changes to attendance to interaction@gridplus.eu.

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