Distribution Grids Fit for Tomorrow – Decision-Making Tools for Resilient Systems

EUniversal Webinar

Distribution Grids Fit for Tomorrow – Decision-Making Tools for Resilient Systems

The EUniversal project aims at a universal design to using flexibility by Distribution System Operators (DSO) and facilitating their interaction with the new flexibility markets. One of the main outcomes of the project is the development of smart grid solutions for a flexible and resilient distribution system, which are tested with demos in Portugal, Germany, and Poland. The final products and toolkits will enable system operators to improve the efficiency and flexibility of grids, postpone additional infrastructure investments, and reduce possible downtimes of electricity networks.

Rapidly changing climates and extreme weather highlight the need for improved network planning and operation. EUniversal develops decision-making toolkits, including severe event simulators, investment planning tools, and algorithms for dispatching distributed energy resources (DER) to assist DSOs to assess the impact of extreme events in their networks and to define the most adequate reinforcement strategies, including flexibility and new DER-based automation strategies. At this webinar, we will discuss project outcomes with E.DSO members HEDNO, ESO, and E-REDES.

Find the agenda here.

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