5th edition of the EDSO Stakeholder and Innovation Council – “Seizing the change, get ready-for-action” – at Enlit Europe 2022
On 30 November, E.DSO Stakeholder & Innovation Council (SIC) wrapped its fifth edition in the framework of ENLIT (hybrid format). The leaders of the distribution sector and energy associations representing solar-PV, customers, and manufacturers, together with regulators and standardisation associations kicked off the event with a passionate call to address the triple crisis – energy, economic and climate –and setting out approaches and solutions as to how to deal with this.
The theme of this year edition “Seizing the change, get ready-for-action” signaled how essential it is to accelerate the actions for a more sustainable future for all in the face of rapid transformation. The half day event shed light into prospects of a power grid that reduces the emission of greenhouse gases, lowers the total cost of energy generation, adds flexibility and reliability to European’s power generation system, and delivers social and economic benefits to customers.
Discover the agenda here.