“Innovative DSOs in a decentralised energy system” joint DSO event

“Innovative DSOs in a decentralised energy system” joint DSO event

DSO logos in line

In 2014, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission estimated that distribution system operators (DSOs) had invested EUR 700m in smart grid technology over the past 10 years. Research and demonstration projects are paying off, allowing DSOs to become central platforms for the energy transition by connecting responsive consumers, renewables and flexibility sources.

These new technologies, though, imply a revised asset base, operating costs and business models. To incentivise such investments and underpin the changing network economics, amendments to the Third Energy Package and national regulation are needed.

The four European associations representing electricity DSOs — CEDEC, EDSO for Smart Grids, EURELECTRIC and GEODE — will debate these issues at an upcoming half-day conference:

12 April 2016

9:00-13:00, followed by a networking lunch Sheraton Hotel

Place Charles Rogier 3, 1210 Brussels

A draft agenda and registration details are available here.

We look forward to seeing you at our event!

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