Joint DSO Conference – The Future is distributed: a DSO Perspective

Joint DSO Conference – The Future is distributed: a DSO Perspective


19 February 2015
Renaissance Hotel, Rue du Parnasse 19
1050 Brussels, Belgium

The energy transition corresponds to an unprecedented overhaul of the traditional power value chain. The development of decentralised generation transforms the traditional one way street from supply to demand into a, a bi-directional one, and brings customers and prosumers to the centre-stage.

The same goes for distribution systems – moving from a more passive role to the centre of the new energy world. Distribution system operators take up the challenge of introducing the lions share of decentralised generation, guaranteeing system stability, as well as facilitating new services  for the customer. They are the key players in the roll out of smart grids and smart meters, aggregation, demand response, energy efficiency, and smart charging. They require enhanced data management and a new quality of DSO-TSO relations, a discussion on roles and responsibilities, costs and investments. Regulators on national and European level  as well as stakeholders have to team up to develop smart regulation for smart grids, in order to respond to the new challenges.

In the event ‘The Future is distributed – a  DSO perspective’, CEDEC, EDSO for smart grids, EURELECTRIC and Geode – the four Brussels based associations representing DSOs – hand their recommendations over to the newly appointed Commissioner for Energy and Climate, Mr. Arias Canete.

Their high level representatives from the European DSO world present a compelling perspective on the meaning of the energy transition and the EU 2030 climate and energy targets for distribution. In this context they will respond to the questions of security of supply, investments, innovation, data management, and the required reform of regulation.

To see the Programme

Click here to register

Registration Fees:

  • Full Registration Fee – €230
  • Members Registration Fee – €195
  • Reduced Fee – €120
  • EU & Government Officials , Journalists – €0.00


All fees are subject to 21% VAT.

Full Registration Fee: For all non EURELECTRIC, CEDEC, EDSO or GEODE members.

Members Registration Fee: For all members of the organising associations (incl. their members), Affiliate Members & Business Associate Members.

Reduced Fee: For Candidate Countries ( Turkey, Serbia & the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) & Academics.

EU & Government Officials (Commission, Parliament, Council & Perm Rep) & Journalists are welcome to participate free of charge to the conference.

Please find here the press release from the conference. Presentations are available for download by conference participants using the credentials sent to you via email.

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