On Tuesday, 9 April from 15H30 to 18H00 at the European Parliament (Brussels), E.DSO, in collaboration with Socialists and Democrats MEP Niels Fuglsang, held the event Powering Tomorrow: Grids, Investments, and Skills Unleashed. The following key topics imperative to DSOs, and more importantly to our members, were discussed:
- Grid investments with a focus on the overview of current capabilities, challenges, and future needs.
- The Grid Action Plan with a focus on the Role of DSOs.
- The Vision for future grid investments: public & private financing tools.
The event included a welcome address by MEP Niels Fuglsang, followed by a Keynote Address by Richard Vidlička (ČEZ, Co-Chair of E.DSO IRCO Committee) and finally a panel discussion which saw John Sinner (European Investment Bank), Barbara Diz (DG ENER), Rémy Garaude-Verdier (Enedis, E.DSO member), Mario Turrisi (Unareti, E.DSO member) and MEP Niels Fuglsang engage in various discussions.
Find the agenda here.