The important role of DSOs in Smart Grids: Technical and regulatory issues and how R&D can help define future innovative solutions

The important role of DSOs in Smart Grids: Technical and regulatory issues and how R&D can help define future innovative solutions

EDSO for Smart Grids and Eurelectric organised a joint workshop in Frankfurt on the important role of DSOs in the Smart Grids transition. This event, bringing together high-level executives, experts and policymakers, investigated what is needed to deploy and operate the intelligent distribution systems of the future.

Due to the strong EU energy objectives and the integration of the European energy market, the electricity distribution systems will change dramatically. The energy transition and decarbonisation of European society, integration of the vast amounts of renewable energy sources into distribution grids and customers’ new and changing needs will call for more flexibility, a change in network design and a redefinition of roles and responsibilities. This transformation will lead the way towards smart grids.

This event, bringing together high-level executives, experts and policymakers, will investigate what is needed to deploy and operate the intelligent distribution systems of the future.

Divided into three different thematic sessions, the workshop aims at addressing the following topics:

How to integrate the vast amounts of renewable energy into distribution networks?

  • Actions and strategies for RES integration
  • DSO-TSO interface in the Network Codes
  • Investment strategies and active network management at distribution level

What would be an efficient Market Model for Smart Grids?

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • How to catalyse concrete partnerships with the ICT sector
  • How to initiate system investment and customer participation

The innovation and demonstration landscape for Smart Grids

  • Accelerating research, development and demonstration in Europe
  • Successful European and international knowledge sharing
  • Regulatory frameworks to stimulate demonstration and deployment

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