InnoGrid2020+ conference – To invest in R&D for grids is to invest in Europe’s economies

InnoGrid2020+ conference – To invest in R&D for grids is to invest in Europe’s economies

March 31 2015, Brussels – Europe will only achieve a reliable, sustainable and connected Energy Union through the continuation of coordinated R&D for energy infrastructure at EU level, the appropriate support from national regulators and ministries, and by efficiently building on the results of projects. To invest in R&D for grids is to invest in Europe’s economies. These are the messages resonating from the first of the two-day InnoGrid2020+ conference, taking place in Brussels this week.

The conference, organised by EDSO (European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids) and ENTSO-E (European Network of Transmission System Operators), is gathering over 350 experts and top decision makers from distribution and transmission system operators (DSOs and TSOs), European and national institutions, research institutes, technology developers, energy market players and NGOs. It addresses the role of innovation, R&D in preparing Europe’s energy infrastructure for the future, and will hear what 20 flagship projects are doing towards this.

Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, Miguel Arias Cañete, opened the conference saying “We know smart grids work. We have seen that they can reduce the infrastructure capacity needed to meet demand by up to 30%. But there are a number of hurdles which can hamper progress. These can be regulatory, technological, financial, or organisational” adding that “As world leading innovators you are our most valuable resource. We need to support you to develop new solutions on the interconnectors, storage solutions, smart grids and smart meters that can make the difference.”

“The benefits of developing coordinated solutions through joint R&D, with support from regulatory authorities and ministries, are undeniable” said João Torres, EDSO Chairman and CEO of EDP Distribuçao. “These 20 projects are making unprecedented steps to overcome many of the challenges DSOs and TSOs are facing” he continued.

”Europe’s energy transition is built upon innovation”, insisted Nick Winser, ENTSO-E President and Executive Director at National Grid. “The power system of tomorrow is one of flexibility, of the co-existence of centralised and decentralised. Smart solutions will need to be found, and regulatory incentives as we have seen them in the UK with RIIO are decisive”, concluded Nick Winser.

The first day of the conference will end with a special evening exhibition by projects and manufacturers, and will continue with a full agenda on April 1st, opened by Vice-President for an Energy Union, Maroš Šefčovič. Presentations from the conference will be made available as soon as possible on the event website:


Joana Abreu Jackson, Communications & Policy Officer,, +32 (0)471 260 131

Claire Camus, Communication Advisor,​, +32 (0)476 975 093

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