Kick-off of new E.DSO project – Education for Digitalisation of Energy

Kick-off of new E.DSO project – Education for Digitalisation of Energy

In January the new ERASMUS+ project EDDIE had its kick-off with E.DSO onboard. The project is led by Comillas, with the aim to create a Sector Skill Alliance (SSA) by bringing together all the relevant stakeholders in the Energy value chain, from industry, education and training providers including legal authorities. E.DSO will lead the work package which involves Implementation tasks to create Stakeholder’s map as a database of sector occupations and job profiles, with skill content analysis. This will set ground for a strategic sectoral cooperation in order to design and build a strategic network, in close relation with WP4 – “Assessment of policies and requirements for VET and beyond”.

The main objective of this SSA is to develop a long-driven Blueprint for the digitalisation of the European Energy sector to enable the matching between the current and future demand of skills necessary for the digitalisation of the energy sector and the supply of improved Vocational Education and Training (VET). An interdisciplinary approach is also sought, including green and soft skills with a high collaboration of workers by using participatory approaches through Information and

Communication Technologies (ICT) methodologies. This strategic approach will reinforce the competitiveness of the European Energy Sector in an efficient and innovative way by creating high skilled work forces in line with the EU objectives and values. The project will consider cross-sectional digital skills as Key Enabling Technologies like Cybersecurity, Data Management, Machine Learning, Cloud/Edge Computing, New Communication Tech and Blockchain.

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