E.DSO publishes its Technology Radar
European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) promotes and enables customer empowerment and the increase in the use of clean energy sources through electrification, the development of smart and digital grid technologies in real-life situations, new market designs and regulation. E.DSO and its members are committed to taking on the huge challenges associated with realising the Energy […]
DSOs and grid technology providers join forces to accelerate the energy transition
BRUSSELS, 10 October 2023 On Monday the 9th of October, CEOs and top-level industry leaders from Europe’s largest distribution system operators and grid technology providers agreed on joint activities to deliver on Europe’s energy transition. The senior executives called on E.DSO and T&D Europe to immediately draw up an action plan for the short and […]
Event report – Greasing The Wheels: Electrifying Urban Transport Navigating the Role of DSOs in Shaping a Smarter Tomorrow
On 3 October 2023 an extraordinary gathering of industry leaders and Commission officials took place at the event titled “Greasing the Wheels: Electrifying Urban Transport – Navigating the role of DSOs in shaping a smarter tomorrow.” This pivotal event brought together influential figures, including automotive manufacturers, regulators, DSOs, and Charge Points Operators (CPOs), to engage […]
E.DSO Roundtable on Energy Data Spaces
On 6 September 2023, E.DSO convened an internal roundtable focusing on the upcoming European Data Space, a pivotal pillar of the EU Digitalization of Energy Action Plan, unveiled in autumn 2022. The Action Plan places substantial emphasis on the key role of Energy Data Space in the creation of a fully digitalised energy system. These […]
E.DSO, ENCS, ENISA and ENTSO-E hosted their 6th Cybersecurity Event “European energy grids’ security in a changed landscape – closing the skills gap and getting prepared”
The Association of European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS), the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), together hosted a public conference on power grids cybersecurity in Athens on Thursday 21 September. The event was also held in partnership […]
Platone Final Conference: ‘Digitalize DSOs to Unlock Flexibility’ – Press Release
On 28 June, the EU-funded Platone project presented the learnings and achievements of its nearly four years of activities during the Final Conference “Digitalize DSOs to Unlock Flexibility”. Project partners and exceptional guest speakers from all across Europe took an audience of around 100 participants for a deep dive into the future of flexibility procurement, […]
InnoGrid 2023 – Between urgency and energy transition: getting the balance right – Press Release
Brussels, 15 June 2023 On 14 June 2023, the 12th edition of InnoGrid, jointly organised by E.DSO and ENTSO-E, took place in Brussels. Participants discussed the technology and innovation developments needed to implement the energy transition towards a decarbonised power system in a context marked by emergency situations. In order to meet the decarbonisation targets, […]
12 research and innovation initiatives at the 12th InnoGrid Projects Session
Brussels, 9 June 2023 InnoGrid 2023 – On 9 June 2023, the 12th edition of InnoGrid, jointly organised by E.DSO and ENTSO-E, started with the Projects Session, in which 12 research and innovation initiatives were presented. They focused on solutions to advance on long-term energy transition technology development to meet the EU long-term climate objectives […]
Is EU regulation supporting the cyber revolution for the energy sector? – Press Release
Jointly organised by ESMIG and E.DSO, the webinar “Is EU regulation supporting the cyber revolution for the energy sector?” took place on Tuesday, 16 May 2023. Fostering an interactive exchange, the webinar provided insight into current cybersecurity legislation, focussing on further developments and how it could be streamlined to avoid overlaps with other European legislation, […]
Unpacking the Green Deal Industrial Plan: Energy Industry Implications – Press Release
The event ‘Unpacking the Green Deal Industrial Plan: Energy Industry implications’ took place in the morning on Tuesday, 18 April 2023 as an online – 2 hours event. In an interactive setting, the webinar offered actionable intelligence, reliable insight, and a deep understanding of the latest energy lever that all sectors, including Distribution System Operators […]
Bridging the Energy Transition: DSOs at the Centre of Cross-Sector Integration – Press Release
29 March, 2023 With more than 70 participants, E.DSO held the 4th edition of its Projects in the Spotlight Event focusing on the role played by Distribution System Operators (DSOs) as facilitators of energy system integration. The decarbonisation of the European economy pivots around the electrification of traditionally high-emitting sectors, calling for a coordinated planning […]
5th edition Stakeholder & Innovation Council – Press Release
On 30 November, E.DSO Stakeholder & Innovation Council (SIC) wrapped its fifth edition in the framework of ENLIT (hybrid format). The leaders of the distribution sector and energy associations representing solar-PV, customers, and manufacturers, together with regulators and standardisation associations kicked off the event with a passionate call to address the triple crisis – energy, […]
E.DSO TF1 Go4Flex Workshop – Grid Observability for Flexibility – Press Release
On 24 November 2022, with more than 100 participants, Task Force 1 (TF1) “Active System Management” of the European Distribution System Operators’ Association for Smart Grids (E.DSO) Technology Committee successfully held a webinar to present their Grid Observability for Flexibility Report published on 20 October 2022. José Ferrari Careto, CEO of E-REDES; Vice-Chair of E.DSO; […]
E.DSO-ENCS-ENTSO-E host the 5th Cybersecurity event “European energy grids’ security in a radically changed landscape” – Press Release
Brussels, 23 November 2022 Today, the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS), the Association of European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), together hosted a hybrid event discussing the latest industry knowledge in a radically changed landscape resulting from the war in Ukraine with experts in […]
E.DSO-European Commission Joint Seminar “A multi-scale calibration approach for a digitalised energy system transformation’ – Press Release
The E.DSO-DG ENER-DG CNECT Joint Seminar “A multi-scale calibration approach for a digitalised energy system transformation’ took place today. The event brought together over 200 participants, both in Brussels and online, featured 17 speakers, 5 main sessions and 2 individual keynote remarks from the European Commission. The aim of the seminar was to engage in […]
Extreme weather events highlight the need for increasing the resilience of electricity grids
The prolonged periods of droughts and the heatwaves of this summer, resulting in widespread wildfires as well as flash floods underline the need for increasing the resilience of electricity grids. Considering the Climate Change induced challenges, the current fossil fuel supply crisis is just part of the driving force to electrify our economy and make […]
European Energy-Information Sharing & Analysis Centre and Europe’s Distribution System Operators Establish Memorandum of Understanding
12 October 2022 The European Association of leading European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO) and the European Energy Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (EE-ISAC) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 22 September 2022. The MoU aims to reinforce the cyber resilience of critical infrastructures in Europe and practices by promoting customers’ empowerment as well […]
Oh yes: Open Source is the big thing for DSO and TSO – Press Release
22 September 2022 With more than 150 participants on web platforms, E.DSO, the European Distribution System Operators’ Association, has discussed, in collaboration with the RWTH Aachen University, on the question ‘Is Open Source the next big Thing in Electricity Distribution?’ With Antonello Monti’s, Professor at the RWTH Aachen University, opening speech, the fundamental role of […]
A strong European team empowers users for widespread electric mobility uptake
A strong European team empowers users for widespread electric mobility uptake ● A powerful consortium joins forces to extend the penetration of electric vehicle transport in Europe ● The team involves 30 European companies, research organisations and associations from 9 different countries, and is led by IREC (Spain) ● Massive penetration of electric vehicles requires […]
REPowerEU: EU wants to break free from fossil gas dependency
REPowerEU: EU wants to break freefrom fossil gas dependency DOWNLOAD THE DOCUMENT Yesterday (18 May 2022), the European Commission unveiled a fleet of energy-related package measures – REPowerEU – which details primarily on how to undertake an orderly and affordable phase out of Russian gas by 2027 while also keeping energy prices in check […]
DSO path to grid modernisation: is it a bed of roses?
Our seventh episode discusses the dynamic but also challenging outlook at the rapid expansion of new technologies within DSOs. There is a growing demand for new technologies which requires sometimes far-reaching modernisation. Our discussants give us an outlook at how to maintaining climate change targets while modernising, the meaning of “smart grid” and how to […]
InnoGrid 2022: an acceleration of innovation needed to repower Europe
The REPowerEU plan calls on Europe to fast forward its energy transition, building on the more ambitious climate targets set by the ‘Fit for 55’ package. With electricity as the key energy carrier for a carbon-neutral future, innovation in power networks needs to be sped up. On 29 June, InnoGrid 2022 was held for its […]
Flexibility Markets can become more Efficient than Reinforcing Electricity Grids
On June 17, the European Commission-funded project CoordiNet concluded with a two-day conference about the harmonisation of European flexibility markets in Brussels. The large-scale demonstrations of Transmission System Operator (TSO), Distribution System Operator (DSO), and consumers collaboration schemes in Spain, Sweden, and Greece showed the importance of flexibility to the Green Energy Transition and a […]
Eurelectric Power Plant Report
Power Plant harnesses Eurelectric’s experience in collaboration and advocacy to create a new community comprising a range of stakeholders. Experts from the worlds of industry, civil society, government, and academia working together to explore the natural synergies between RES deployment, and biodiversity preservation and regeneration. Reconciling climate change mitigation and restoring natural habitats required developing […]