E.DSO organised its 3rd Projects in the Spotlight event

On Friday 1 April, E.DSO organized the third webinar in the E.DSO “Projects in the Spotlight” series, titled “Raising the uptake of renewables by DSOs”. With around 100 participants, the event shed light on E.DSO members’ R&I projects addressing the challenges in distribution operation related to the sharp rise in renewables in new innovative ways […]

Present your innovative project at InnoGrid2022

Present your innovative project at InnoGrid2022 Call for Applications Open For the 11th year, E.DSO and ENTSO-E team up to deliver you the power network innovation conference – InnoGrid. Our 2022 event ‘Mission Acceleration’ will put the spotlight on the acceleration required for the energy transition in order to reach the European climate ambition in […]

E.DSO new Policy podcast on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure & DSOs

E.DSO new Policy podcast on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure & DSOs 14 March 2022 The Fit for 55 package contains an important proposal for the Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure. The new regulation aims at facilitating the uptake of electric mobility by setting mandatory targets for the deployment of recharging stations and incentivising smart charging. Electric […]

E.DSO New Podcast on the Recast of the Renewable Energy Directive and DSOs

E.DSO New Podcast on the Recast of the Renewable Energy Directive and DSOs 31 January 2022 One important piece of legislation under the Fit for 55 Package is the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). The Directive sets a comprehensive framework for the deployment of renewables across all sectors of the economy. More importantly, it provides a […]

New Episode of E.DSO Policy Podcast Series: DSOs as Facilitators of Energy Communities

New Episode of E.DSO Policy Podcast Series: DSOs as Facilitators of Energy Communities 15 December 2021 The Clean Energy Package (CEP) represents a breakthrough in the active role of citizens in the energy transition. However, an adequate policy and regulatory framework are needed to ensure that both citizens and the whole energy system can benefit […]

E.DSO holds 4th Stakeholder and Innovation Council at Enlit Europe

E.DSO holds 4th Stakeholder and Innovation Council at Enlit Europe The 4th edition of the Stakeholder & Innovation Council is over, and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! Under the headline “The Thin Veil of Renewal: Building the Next Grid Generation” this year’s edition addressed three of the most topical issues […]

E.DSO announces the 3 winners of the 1st ‘Digital DSO Power Award’

E.DSO announces the 3 winners of the 1st ‘Digital DSO Power Award’ 1 December – Launched for the first time in 2021, E.DSO ‘Digital DSO Power Award’ has the ambition to be a recognition for most meaningful and relevant digital innovative initiatives contributing to the shaping of the new role of Distribution System Operators. This […]

6th Ana Aguado Scholarship Award

6th Ana Aguado Scholarship Award Bernard Energy (BEA), the European Distribution System Operators’ Association (E.DSO), the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), the Union of the Electricity Industry – Eurelectric (Eurelectric) and the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) have the pleasure of announcing the call for the 6th Ana Aguado Scholarship Award. […]

E.DSO 2nd Projects in the Spotlight event

E.DSO 2nd Projects in the Spotlight event “Blockchain and DSOs: an opportunity for the energy transition?” On Thursday 18 November, E.DSO organized a webinar titled “Blockchain and DSOs: an opportunity for the energy transition?” as the second event in the “Projects in the Spotlight” series. With more than 200 people registered, the event shed light […]

E.DSO, ENCS and ENTSO-E host 4th cybersecurity workshop “Enhancing our grid resilience”

E.DSO, ENCS and ENTSO-E host 4th cybersecurity workshop “Enhancing our grid resilience” 21 October 2021 Today, the European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS), the Association of European Distribution System Operators (E.DSO), and the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), together hosted a virtual event discussing the challenges of increasing volume and sophistication […]

Hear! Hear! The Fit for 55 Package mammoth is released

Hear! Hear! The Fit for 55 Package mammoth is released Yesterday (14 July 2021) the European Commission released its long-awaited massive Fit for 55 Package. This includes a first batch of legislative proposals to reduce the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions by 55% below 1990 levels by 2030. EU is now attempting to develop the tools […]

Beyond Sandboxes – InnoGrid Day 2 focused on innovation in asset management & markets

Beyond Sandboxes – InnoGrid Day 2 focused on innovation in asset management & markets 11 June 2021 Introduced by Uros Salobir, Vice-Chair of ENTSO-E Research, Development and Innovation Committee, and Richard Vidlička, Chair of E.DSO Innovation & Research Committee, the second day of the 10th edition of InnoGrid gave the opportunity to participants to deep […]

E.DSO 1st “Digital DSO Power Award”

E.DSO 1st “Digital DSO Power Award” Applications are now closed! E.DSO, the Association of Distribution System Operators (DSOs) is launching the 1st ‘Digital DSO Power Award’ as a recognition of the most meaningful and relevant digital innovation contributing to the shaping of the new role of DSOs. Distribution grids are the backbone of the digital […]

The official birth of the EU DSO Entity

The official birth of the EU DSO Entity On 8 June 2021, the long-awaited official launch of the EU DSO Entity took place. E.DSO members experienced a prestigious momentum by attending the constitutive General Assembly and the first meeting of Board of Directors and constituting its governance along with various organisation aspects. The launch of […]

2021 Ana Aguado Scholarship winners

2021 Ana Aguado Scholarship winners E.DSO is proud to announce the winners of the 5th Ana Aguado Scholarship launched in February 2021: Matthew Brian Gough and Daniele Stampatori. The winners have been selected from a pool of 67 applicants who responded to the call for students or recent graduates at Master’s Level in the fields […]

Living the transition – E.DSO and ENTSO-E team up for InnoGrid 10th edition

Living the transition – E.DSO and ENTSO-E team up for InnoGrid 10th edition 4 June 2021 – Opening the 10th edition of InnoGrid on 4 June, European Energy Commissioner, Kadri Simson stressed the three major trends affecting Europe’s energy system – decarbonisation, decentralization, digitalization. She recognized the important role of transmission and distribution system operators […]

E.DSO Internal Workshop on Artificial intelligence (AI) and GDPR from DSOs lenses: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions

E.DSO Internal Workshop on Artificial intelligence (AI) and GDPR from DSOs lenses: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions 12 March 2021, 9:30-11:30 On 12 March 2021, E.DSO held an internal workshop tackling various aspects pertaining to the interaction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with General Data Protection Regulation, and their applicability to the work of Distribution system Operators […]

Press release 1st E.DSO Projects in the Spotlight event

Press release 1st E.DSO Projects in the Spotlight event 10 March 2021 Horizon 2020 projects are the best platform to develop technologies and solutions in order to reach the goals of the green clean energy transition. By being active in several EU funded projects E.DSO is facilitating the interaction, coordination and knowledge sharing among Members […]

E.DSO Webinar ‘DSOs & the TEN-E regulation review: leave no-one behind’ – Press release

E.DSO Webinar ‘DSOs & the TEN-E regulation review: leave no-one behind’ – Press release 3 March 2021 In the light of the European Commission’s proposal to revise the EU rules on Trans-European Networks for Energy (the TEN-E Regulation), E.DSO hosted a webinar gathering high-profile speakers to assess whether the revision is aligned with decarbonisation and […]

5th Ana Aguado Scholarship Award

5th Ana Aguado Scholarship Award Bernard Energy (BEA), the European Distribution System Operators’ Association (E.DSO), the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E), the Union of the Electricity Industry – Eurelectric (Eurelectric) and the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) have the pleasure to announce the call for the 5th Ana Aguado Scholarship Award. […]

Leading electricity distribution operators launch global initiative to boost the energy transition

Leading electricity distribution operators launch global initiative to boost the energy transition Global electricity distribution operators (DSOs) gathered on 26-27 January 2021 in the first sectoral initiative focused on their contribution to worldwide decarbonisation efforts. The roles and responsibilities of DSOs across the globe are rapidly evolving to deliver, and even accelerate, the energy transition. Against this […]

Making power grids fit for the transition will create 500,000 jobs

Making power grids fit for the transition will create 500,000 jobs Distribution grids are the backbone of the digital and energy transition, as they ensure a continuous and reliable electricity flow, integrate the majority of renewable energy sources and enable the creation of new services for consumers. But to be fit-for-purpose in an increasingly decarbonised, […]