EDSO and ENCS join forces to combine strengths on cyber security and standardisation

EDSO and ENCS join forces to combine strengths on cyber security and standardisation The cooperation paves the way for knowledge exchange for security regulations, effective cyber security practices and standardisation for energy distribution companies. Distribution System Operators’ Association for Smart Grids (EDSO) and European Network for Cyber Security (ENCS) are proud to announce the signing […]

Renewable Energy Directive – EDSO Response to the EC consultation

Renewable Energy Directive – EDSO Response to the EC consultation EDSO welcomes this publication from the European Commission (EC) on the preparation of a new renewable energy directive for the period after 2020. The current directive has fueled renewable growth and its recast should pave the way for a decarbonised energy future and limit the […]

Vision for a ‘Digital DSO’

Vision for a ‘Digital DSO’ The European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) has issued a position paper today which posits a vision for a ‘Digital DSO,’ capturing the key messages of its recent responses to the European Commission consultations on: the evaluation and the review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks […]

A Journey to Green Energy

A Journey to Green Energy In the white paper, “The Journey to ‘Green’ Energy,” Eandis presents its long-term vision of the transition to a green energy landscape. The main aim of the document is to open a debate among policy and opinion makers in Belgium and Europe. Adjusted market forces form part of a really […]

European power sector says “YES” to an ambitious global agreement at COP21

European power sector says “YES” to an ambitious global agreement at COP21 Joint communiqué to the Executive Secretary, Mrs Figueres, and to the 196 parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; copied to Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President for the Energy Union, European Commission and Mr Arias Canete, Commissioner for Climate Action […]

General guidelines for a reinforced cooperation between electricity DSOs and TSOs

General guidelines for a reinforced cooperation between electricity DSOs and TSOs 9 November 2015, Brussels – The European associations of distribution (DSO) and transmission system operators (TSO) have adopted a set of general guidelines on how to reinforce cooperation across the two categories of power networks. ​TSO-DSO cooperation is becoming acutely important as the European […]

Adapting distribution network tariffs to a decentralised energy future – position paper

Adapting distribution network tariffs to a decentralised energy future 14 October 2015, Brussels – European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) has issued a position paper highlighting the need for distribution network tariff-setting to be adapted to the increasing integration of distributed renewable energy sources (DRES) and to the transition toward a more decentralised energy […]

EDSO responds to Summer Package consultations

EDSO responds to Summer Package consultations 5 October 2015, Brussels – European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) has responded to the European Commission (EC) consultations on a new energy market design and on electricity security supply, as they represent a timely opportunity to propose revisions to the ‘Third Energy Package.’ “To speed the […]

EDSO reacts to CEER conclusions on the role of DSOs

EDSO reacts to CEER conclusions on the role of DSOs European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) welcomes the attention of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER) to addressing questions on the role of Distribution System Operators (DSOs), which it considers timely and essential in view of the current redesign of European energy […]

Summer Energy Package: EDSO welcomes consumer empowerment, cost-reflective network tariffs and flexibility incentives in smart grid environment

Summer Energy Package: EDSO welcomes consumer empowerment, cost-reflective network tariffs and flexibility incentives in smart grid environment July 16 2015, Brussels – European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO) welcomes the balanced consideration of the consumer, security of supply and sustainability objectives in the European Commission’s “Summer Package”: important steps towards implementing a resilient […]

Paper on the Role of Microgrids winner of ICER Distinguished Scholar Awards

Paper on the Role of Microgrids winner of ICER Distinguished Scholar Awards On 27 May 2015 the winners of the ICER Distinguished Scholar Awards were announced at the 6th World Forum on Energy Regulation (WFER VI) in Istanbul, Turkey. These awards by the International Confederation of Energy Regulators (ICER) honour important contributions made to enhancing […]

Metal theft – Cross-sector coalition calls for EU-wide action

Metal theft – Cross-sector coalition calls for EU-wide action Eleven associations representing the energy, railway, public transport and recycling industry – all highly affected by metal theft – are calling on EU policy makers to take action to prevent and counter metal theft in Europe. The newly formed coalition is today issuing a common statement […]

MoU signed between DSO associations and ENTSO-E

MoU signed between DSO associations and ENTSO-E ENTSO-E and four European associations representing Distribution System Operators signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) underscoring the commitment of TSOs and DSOs to strengthen their cooperation at EU level. Given their shared interest in the secure integration of renewable energy sources, facilitating the uptake of flexibility services (including […]

Energy Union: Joint DSR energy stakeholder letter to Member States

Energy Union: Joint DSR energy stakeholder letter to Member States In light of the European Council meeting of March 19-20 2015, gathering Heads of State and Government, EDSO, together with seven other energy associations, has sent a joint letter to the Permanent Representatives of the Member States to the EU (Coreper I) calling on their […]

Distribution: Backbone of the Energy Union

Distribution: Backbone of the Energy Union Brussels, February 25 2015 – European Distribution System Operators for Smart Grids (EDSO), the European association of leading electricity distributors committed to bringing smart grids, smart cities and intelligent power demand management from vision to reality, welcomes the well rounded Energy Union package delivered today by the European Commission […]

Jobs and growth potential of smart grids – EDSO letters to EC President Juncker

Jobs and growth potential of smart grids – EDSO letters to EC President Juncker Some of the most pressing issues for our society at this moment revolve around the creation of jobs and growth, but also securing our energy supply, achieving our climate and energy objectives, creating a real internal energy market with the customer […]

Distribution grid operation and photovoltaic flexibility: Proper regulation needed

Distribution grid operation and photovoltaic flexibility: Proper regulation needed The integration of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics holds an underestimated and untapped potential to offer flexibility services to the distribution grid but the regulatory framework is missing, as was highlighted today during an event held at the European Commission. June 24th 2014, Brussels – […]

Reducing broadband deployment costs – DSOs welcome ITRE changes to proposal

Reducing broadband deployment costs – DSOs welcome ITRE changes to proposal November 28th 2013, Brussels – CEDEC and EDSO for Smart Grids support the objective of encouraging synergies between industries such as electricity, gas, telecoms and heat network operators, which could result in significant savings for society. We see information sharing on existing infrastructures, the […]

Government intervention (state aid) in electricity markets – EDSO welcomes European Commission focus on demand response

Government intervention (state aid) in electricity markets – EDSO welcomes European Commission focus on demand response EDSO for Smart Grids, the European association of electricity distribution system operators (DSOs) working to bring smart grids from vision to reality, is pleased to see the European Commission’s (EC) special action plan for demand response which accompanied today’s […]