Policy & Regulation

E.DSO acts as a policy platform between the power distribution business in Europe and stakeholders as well as institutions at European Union level. It monitors ongoing and new legislative developments, and provides industry advice to policy makers, drawing from the vast pool of our members’ expertise in electricity distribution, innovation, smart grids and digitalisation. E.DSO lends its expertise to the European Commission through the Smart Grids Task Force and by contributing to various consultations and meetings. E.DSO also collaborates closely with all stakeholders, for instance in the TSO-DSO Platform or through its own Stakeholder and Innovation Council.

E.DSO has been relaying the DSOs’ voice on major legislative proposals, including the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package and the new Electricity Market Design acts. Besides energy policy, it keeps a close eye on initiatives that have a cross-sectoral impact and also affect DSOs, such as sustainability and climate change, data and digitalisation. 

policy & regulation
