16. Innovative charging for electric mobility


To get around the constraints of wired charging, innovative charging solutions for electric mobility are being researched and experimented. Static and dynamic wireless charging solutions at urban and high-speed operation are being tested in Europe, Asia and the USA:

  • Stationary induction charging solutions are being studied, typically for charging taxis or buses while waiting at the station.
  • Concerning dynamic charging, two main technology families stand out: induction charging and, more specifically for heavy-duty transport, sliding contact charging via a rail solution or via a pantograph.

Dynamic charging solutions involve significant investment costs for road infrastructure which is a significant drawback for massive road projects.


Dynamic charging will be distributed over long distances and effectively be connected to several points in the grid. Considering inductive charging, the efficiency of the energy flow is comparable to the typical efficiency of fast charging. To limit power losses and facilitate integration with renewable energy sources, inductive solutions are generally DC-based.

Challenges and opportunities for DSOs

  • Beyond the general question of network investments and power connection adapted to support the development of electric mobility, dynamic charging raises the question of defining connection solutions adapted to linear infrastructures (AC or DC delivery, etc.).

If DC solutions are adopted:

  • DC grids have several challenges to overcome: protection systems and DC circuit breakers need further development.
  • There is a general lack of standardization (especially in terms of voltage levels, other specifications, interoperability, and commissioning procedures), and DC installation costs are currently high due to the power converters that are required.
  • Power converters are also still not as efficient as AC transformers and have a lower lifespan.

EDSO Considerations

  • In collaboration with the stakeholders concerned (car and truck manufacturers, road infrastructure managers, etc.), DSOs should carry out the analyses and implement the demonstrators necessary to identify the relevant solutions and assess the impact of innovative charging options on the distribution network.
  • The impact of high-power charging by induction on the grid has to be examined.
  • Coupling between storage and charging solutions should be studied.
  • Concerning linear charging infrastructures, the DSO perimeter has to be examined and clarified.

Last update: 28 September 2023