19. Line Corridors that Support Biodiversity


Line corridors that support biodiversity refer to the cleared areas beneath and around overhead power lines that, when managed sustainably, can become valuable habitats for various species and contribute to biodiversity conservation. These strips of land, typically maintained to prevent vegetation from interfering with power lines, have the potential to serve as ecological corridors, connecting fragmented ecosystems and supporting the movement of wildlife and the growth of native plants. In the context of electrical distribution networks, these areas can be managed through practices such as selective vegetation maintenance, the introduction of native species, and the creation of specific habitats, turning utility corridors into spaces that enhance both environmental sustainability and operational safety.


The EU’s Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 aims to reverse biodiversity loss by enhancing protected areas, restoring ecosystems, and introducing binding restoration targets through the Nature Restoration Law. The strategy focuses on expanding the Natura 2000 network, improving agricultural and forestry practices, and integrating nature-based solutions like carbon-capturing ecosystems. It supports green investments and ensures legal frameworks for habitat restoration. This initiative aligns with the European Green Deal and other sustainability policies and will receive substantial funding.

Opportunities for DSOs

  • Sustainability goals: Supporting biodiversity helps DSOs meet environmental regulations.
  • Connectivity: These line corridors can connect ecosystems, aiding wildlife movement and promoting a healthier environment.

Challenges for DSOs

  • Balancing safety and biodiversity: DSOs need to ensure the corridors don’t interfere with grid safety.
  • Increased costs: Implementing biodiversity initiatives may require additional investment.
  • Regulatory complexity: Keeping up with changing regulations can add complexity.
  • Continuous management: Managing these areas requires continuous monitoring and resources.
  • Need for coordination with other environmental protection authorities.

E.DSO considerations

  • E.DSO wishes to promote the development of exchanges of experience and the sharing of good practices between E.DSO members on these solutions.
  • A balance must be found to promote biodiversity without affecting the security of the electricity distribution system and while remaining attentive to costs and therefore to the level of distribution fees paid by network users.

Potential use cases

  • Installation of nests or other animal facilities on top of power poles.
  • Coordination with other public/private environmental protection authorities.
  • Use of ecologically-friendly equipment (e.g. pesticide-free).
  • Taking biodiversity into account in public lighting projects (light pollution, etc.).
  • Promoting efficiency in vegetation management, potentially through the use of artificial intelligence (AI).
  • Promoting network security-related projects to prevent natural hazards.

Ongoing projects

  • ORES promoted the following initiatives:
    • A ban (admittedly, in application of the law) of the use of pesticides in third-party contracts for the management/maintenance of the surroundings of their facilities, sites and posts and the application of a late mowing policy in some of these locations.
    • The installation of two stork nests at the top of electricity poles on their network in collaboration with local wildlife protection associations and the Royal Ornithological League. The aim was to ensure the safety of Ores’s installations and the birds in places where they could nest “erratically”, potentially causing power failures and bird mortality. The initiative was crowned with success, with the birth of two stork chicks in one of the two nests in 2023.
    • A number of initiatives have also been undertaken in the field of smart lighting:
      • The production of a ‘Vade-mecum for taking biodiversity into account in public lighting projects’, which was put online and published for local authorities by the Walloon public service.
      • The promotion of the ‘black grid’ to local authorities to reduce light pollution.
  • UFD has committed to environmental protection through several innovative projects. These include advanced vegetation management with drones, AI, and LiDAR, fire and smoke detection for early incident response, and the reduction of electrocution risks for raptors by replacing insulators with anti-perching devices, all in alignment with regional environmental plans.
  • Netz Niederösterreich has been consulting ecologists, biologists and planners to find a line corridor that respects nature and its biodiversity in sensitive areas. In terms of bird protection, the DSO has been:
    • Marking the wires of 110-kV-power lines with bird protection flags to prevent collisions in sensitive and/or highly frequented habitats.
    • Installing new 20-kV-power lines underground to prevent bird collisions.
    • Financially supporting research programmes, to ensure the cross-border bird protection of endangered species. For example, the DSO co-finances the LIFE EUROKITE project (2017-2027) that researches the mortality of red kites by using telemetry.
    • Performing forestry maintenance such as tree felling outside of the breeding season.
    • Reforestation of native, site-adapted species in case the line corridor runs through forest areas.
  • Enedis is a partner in two projects financed by the LIFE Programme of the European Union thatsupport biodiversity:
    • SafeLife4birds, which goal is to reduce the mortality of 13 bird species against power lines bytackling bird collision, electrocution and disturbance during the breeding season as well as improveand share knowledge across Europe.
    • LIFE GYPACT, which goal is to restore and conserve bearded vultures and improve the viability ofbird populations.

Last update: 14 February 2025